Table of contents
As a Cryptocurrency Bitcoin is our First cryptocurrency invented by Satoshi Nakamoto in 2008. Technology, he publish a White paper after that bitcoin was popular because in 2008 USA market was crashed and people's trust was broken because all their saving were finished therefore they has trust issues regarding financial institution. people supported bitcoin's research paper because there was not central authority and it is distributed.
Protocol/Coin and Token are terminologies we should know while learning Cryptocurrency.
Technology is our Blockchain technology invented by Stuart Haber, W. Scott Stornetta when they publish a Research paper on How to digitally time Stamp a document.
Bitcoin is the Protocol which uses Blockchain technology, and protocol means Rules eg-HTTP,SMTP,TCP,IP,UDP etc. this protocol mainly tells how we have to work on blockchain technology. how miners will get reward, when miners will get reward, how consensus algorithm will work in blockchain technology and how public key, private key will work on bitcoin protocol in blockchain technology. protocol eg- waves,ethereum,bitcoin,dogecoin,binance coin.
coin whenever a protocol is develop, a coin is also associated for that protocol, reason being that all transaction will happen through that coin which is develop by the protocol. like bitcoin has develop its own coin, ethereum has develop its coin. miners fees will be given through these coins.
Tokens uses the platform like Ethereum, waves,bitcoin for its related work investment n all. when we are talking ICOs we are speaking about Token only.
coins and tokens are different investment in both are also different.